10 tips for throwing the perfect baby shower


O baby shower It is a moment long awaited by all family and friends. This kind of tea In addition to being a great idea to help mom save on diapers, it is also more practical and simple to organize compared to a regular tea party. In this post we will give you some very important tips for your perfect baby shower.

You will see ideas that will help you organize yourself and make a complete tea party, thinking about the smallest details.

We selected decoration tips, invitations, food ideas, special music, among others. Stay with us, follow the entire post and find out the best tips for the perfect baby shower:

10 dicas para fazer o chá de fraldas perfeito

1. Setting a Baby Shower Budget

This is the first step! The arrival of a baby involves a lot of expenses, so keep your tea budget in mind. This way you avoid spending more than necessary and have a beautiful and fun tea, free from unforeseen events.

  • Make a table with the most important categories of the tea: Decoration, invitation, food, souvenirs, etc.
  • Calculate the difference between installment and lump sum budgets.
  • A great tip that will help you stay within your budget and still have a personalized baby shower is to invest in crafts, such as an invitation or a souvenir made by yourself.
  • Analyze the number of guests for the baby shower. Make the calculation thinking about the location, the amount of food and also the souvenirs.

10 dicas para fazer o chá de fraldas perfeito

2. Organizing the perfect baby shower

As we have already mentioned a few times, a perfect baby shower is very well organized. Check out some tips:

  • Set a date a month or two before the birth.
  • Ask a close friend or family member for help, so you share the tasks and don't get overwhelmed.
  • Involve dad in all the details of the tea and live this moment in a light and fun way.
  • Choose the perfect baby shower location, some people choose to have a baby shower at home, others prefer to rent their own space for parties. Analyze values and review your priorities.

3. Invitations

Types of invitations

There are different types of invitations that you can join for your baby shower, remember to align your invitation with the decoration, whether following a color palette or a specific theme.

  • Common invitation: this invitation is classic and can be made to order or right in your home. For this last idea, you will need stationery items and a lot of creativity.
  • Online invitation: the online baby shower invitation can be distributed directly on your guests' personal social networks. A great tip is to use an online editor like Canva, there you can find layout ideas and you can personalize your invitation with different colors and photos.

10 dicas para fazer o chá de fraldas perfeito

4. Decoration

Now that you have defined which type of decoration If you're going to do it and you already have the invitations sent out, let's move on to practical decoration tips:

  • Use ready-made kits: the internet is here to make our lives easier! In one click, you can download several kits with personalized packaging and decorative items for your perfect baby shower.
  • Make a beautiful panel: the panel is one of the main points of your tea decoration. It can be made with different items such as balloons, various papers, flags and flowers. To do this, just let your imagination go and create a beautiful panel for taking photos with your guests.
  • Have one or several central tables: the central table goes side by side with the panel. It is super important to give a special touch to the party. A great idea to make your baby shower even more modern is to invest in a set of tables with similar sizes and colors.
  • Organize souvenirs in a special place.

10 dicas para fazer o chá de fraldas perfeito

5. Food ideas for the perfect baby shower

We have put together some food ideas that will make your guests fall in love with the food. baby shower menu. Check out:

  • Baby shower in the afternoon: fried or baked snacks, mayonnaise cone, hot dog, natural snack, mini pizzas, cold cuts board, crepes, pies, toast, refreshing salads and macaroni salad.
  • Evening baby shower: cold cuts, assorted pastas, barbecue, sweet and sour salads, pizzas, assorted meats with sauces and typical foods.
  • Sweets: cake, brigadeiro, beijinho, cajuzinho, bicho-de-pé, honey bread, mini churros, coconut candy, chocolate lollipops, powdered milk bonbons and meringues.

10 dicas para fazer o chá de fraldas perfeito

6. Games

The perfect baby shower cannot leave out playing time. Invest quality time to entertain all your guests, promoting a different and joyful interaction between them.

7. Party favors

To the gifts are essential at a baby shower, this is when you will thank everyone for coming with a little treat. If you want a more elaborate souvenir, search on specialized websites or contact local artisans.

For moms and dads who want to save money, a great tip is to watch several videos on YouTube with tips on how to make a baby shower souvenir.

With basic stationery items, ribbons, collages and a personalized tag, you can already guarantee the ideal souvenir.

8. Songs for the perfect baby shower

The perfect baby shower needs to have a special playlist to entertain guests and mark this moment even more. Check out a special selection now:

If the video above doesn't open, Click here for you to watch

9. Personalized diaper cake

Diaper cake is one of the most beloved decorative items among moms. With it you can make your central table even more beautiful and personalized.

To help you with this fun mission, we have put together a special video that will teach you the step-by-step instructions for this type of cake:

If the video above doesn't open, Click here for you to watch

Click here and see also: 15 Tips for making a beautiful baby shower decoration

10. The perfect baby shower gift list

The main purpose of this tea is to receive diapers as a gift for the baby – as the name suggests. But, many moms also choose to include some special treats on their gift list. Check out our list tip:

  • Disposable diapers S, M and L
  • Cloth diapers
  • Baby wipes
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Liquid and bar soap
  • Teether
  • Baby bottles
  • Body
  • White cotton
  • Baby bottle brushes
  • Pacifier
  • Ointment to prevent diaper rash

Make one perfect baby shower It can be easier and simpler than you think. With all these tips, I bet you'll get everything right and have a tea filled with details, affection and fun.

Comment here what your favorite tip was!



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